Ely High School for Girls 1905-1972
Annual Reunion Luncheon, 14 May 2011

A letter and an email have been been sent, as appropriate, by 7th March to those for whom we have contact details. Please let us know if nothing arrives so that we can check our contact information.
This page is a back up for our despatching and also to provide information for those former EHS - girls or staff - who wish to come but have not previously been in touch.

please click Who has booked so far?

from Christine Fuller (née Bell)

The long cold winter goes on and on but it is time to look ahead a few weeks and to the day of the 2011 Ely High School Reunion – Saturday 14 May.

Once again the venue is the Ely Sugar Beet Club in Lynn Road, Ely. This has a large car park and Sally and her team will be there to serve us a 3 course buffet lunch followed by tea or coffee. A bar will be available as well. For navigation here is a Map Link

We have use of the Hall from 11.30am to 4.30pm.

As you know our purses are being squeezed but I need to increase the charge this year by £1 to £21 to cover the cost of the meal, hall hire, printing and postage, etc.

Details of the menu choices can be printed off
together with the Reply Slip you need to complete,
after clicking on

Invitations to members of staff for whom I have contact details will be sent out and I hope that some will be able to attend. In 2010 we were joined by Joan Jackson nee Brown (Music) and Margaret Walshe nee Bliss (Needlework) who taught in the 1950s.

Since our Reunion last year EHS has been well and truly launched into the ether as we have our own website: www.elyhighschoolforgirls.org.uk

On this, as many of you know, you will see school and other photographs, and various other sections of information about our school together with three points of contact. So far the site has had over 2700 visits and is frequently updated by Soham Grammarian Frank Haslam, who is our website editor. Jackie Sotheran (née Bidwell) and I receive emails sent via the website, as of course does Frank.

We need further input from you for the website with names and other items of interest so please get in touch or speak to me, especially if you are coming in May. If you have anything you would like to go on our site please bring it along with you – items loaned to us for scanning should have your name on the back and they will be returned to you.

To return to our 2011 Reunion – details will be going out to more people because of the website but ONE THING WILL REMAIN CONSTANT - the Hall can only accommodate 150 people and so acceptances will be on a first come, first served basis.

It has always been my aim to have a happy, relaxed and informal atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and where old friends can chat and reminisce and new friendships can be formed.

The future
I have organised our Reunion for about the last 14 years and I think it is time to hand over the reins to another and perhaps younger Old Girl who will continue in our tradition.

Our group was started by two sisters in law in the 1990s and its attendees, for the most part, are from those who started at EHS in the late 1930s through to the early 1960s.

The advent of our website has opened up things, especially to those girls who attended during the last few years of EHS and are more computer literate, but don’t write we oldies off yet!

Ely High School is now open to the world – please keep its memory alive and kicking. You will be able to elect my successor on 14 May ... so thinking caps on!

My very best wishes to you all,

PS We don’t have a set seating arrangement but if you would like to sit with your year group or a friend please indicate on the reply slip and I’ll do my best.

Don’t forget to bring your camera – we need shots of this Reunion to put on the website - and any group or class photographs that can be scanned.

Who has booked so far?

The list below will, as far as possible, be updated on a daily basis. It is current to 23:51 on 11 May.

Please contact Christine Fuller if you think she should have received your booking and informed the editor by now, but it is not yet listed below. The list is in order of surname when at EHS; names in bold are staff:

forename - surname at EHS - (surname now) - EHS entry year
  1. Rita Adams (Mease) 60
  2. Rosie Askew (Jennings) 68
  3. Margaret Avey (Harding) 50
  4. Marjorie Barber (Miller) 46
  5. Diane Barker (Pullar) 55
  6. Ruth Barker (Sindall) 57
  7. Wendy Barton (Sparkes) 51
  8. Peggy Beeton (Gibbon) 39
  9. Christine Bell (Fuller) 53
  10. Irene Belsham 66
  11. June Bent (Strawson) 39
  12. Ruth Bester 57
  13. Margaret Bliss (Walshe) staff 54-57
  14. Mary Boutle (Hames)
  15. Hazel Brown (Clarke) 50
  16. Jenny Brunt (James) 53
  17. Ann Burrows (Dix) 50
  18. Edna Carman (Collinson) 51
  19. Beryl Chambers (Runciman) 41
  20. Carol Clarke (Driver) 46
  21. Elizabeth Clements (Norman) 66
  22. Ann Clift (Garwood) 56
  23. Barbara Cole (Brown) 53
  24. Gillian Collins (Abbs) 66
  25. Vivian Convine (Hawes) 49
  26. Erica Coulson (Power) 51
  27. Sheila Cox (Heavens)
  28. Frances Crane (Amoss) 51
  29. Jean Crowe (Wenn)
  30. Marlene Crowe (Newson) 49
  31. Linda Cullen (Harvey) 56
  32. Stephanie Czarnobaj 70
  33. Barbara Day (Yarrow) 59
  34. Betty Day (Flack) 52
  35. Pauline Dorling (Tambling) 66
  36. Jean Ellingham (Smith) 55
  37. Marie Ellington (Pope)
  1. Judith Flack (Skelton) 66
  2. Pat Flack (Butcher)
  3. Margaret Fletcher (Vince) 55
  4. Lorna Freeman (Delanoy) 51
  5. Jenny Hammond (Davies) 51
  6. Ann Harding (Powell) 48
  7. Rosemary Harris (Curle) 51
  8. Margaret Howard (Wade) 55
  9. Janet Hubbard (Handley) 44
  10. Heather James 55
  11. Dorinda Jeffrey (Franklin)
  12. Dawn Jones (Bennett) 50
  13. Sandra Juby (Blickem) 59
  14. Yvonne Knott (Jeffrey) 50?
  15. Mary Ladson (Gardner)
  16. Grace Lane ( Read) 51
  17. Janet Lane (Tucker) 48
  18. Barbara Latham (Greengrass) 50
  19. Brenda Leaney ( Rump) 45
  20. Mary Lee (Cornwell) 36?
  21. Pat Leonard (Skeels) 44
  22. Sheila Lister (Hullyer) 47
  23. Beryl Lowe (Clark) 51
  24. Janis Lowe 55?
  25. Carole Macer (Emson) 56
  26. Jean Macer (Butcher) 44
  27. Pat Macer (Taylor) 59
  28. Janet Mann (Everitt) 50
  29. Elizabeth Martin (Stokes)
  30. Elsie McCullagh (Ayers) 52
  31. Jean McCullagh (Harper) 50
  32. Mary McCullagh (Hall) 54
  33. Norah McCullagh (Czarnobaj) 44?
  34. Anne McCusker (Tooher) 51
  35. Liz McCusker (Gaston) 59
  36. Sarah McCusker (Rucjaz) 60
  37. Brenda Murfitt ( Harrison) 55
  38. Margaret Neal (Stevens) 51
  39. Kathy Norman (Butcher) 57
  40. Linda Nunn (Mitchell) 52
  1. Mary Oakey (Vickerstaff) 46
  2. Angela Palmer (Drage) 56
  3. Deanna Parr (Haggett) 52
  4. Ann Pen-Gilly 55?
  5. Celia Pettitt (Clarke) 51
  6. Gillian Pinney (Jacobs)
  7. Rose Presnell (Bussingham) 47
  8. Bridget Rayner (Chilvers) 51
  9. Judy Read (Phillips) 56
  10. Wendy Read (Ramsell) 51
  11. Mary Reed (Jolly) 66
  12. Joan Reeder (Simper) 53
  13. Susan Riley 52
  14. Susan Rump (Hurrell)
  15. Christine Saberton (Baker) 50
  16. Joyce Salmon (Thulbon)
  17. Rosemary Savidge (Easy)
  18. Wendy Sealy (Khan) 52
  19. Linda Sewell (Chilvers) 56
  20. Sandra Simpson (Silcock) 55
  21. Christine Skeels (Brown) 50
  22. Helen Smith 51
  23. Margaret Smith (Prior) 50
  24. Doris Strawson (Daniels) 52
  25. Mary Strawson (Cook) 56
  26. Sheila Swan (Knox)
  27. Anne Thompson (Ogden) 46
  28. Alma Thorby (Jefferson)
  29. Judy Topping (Ellingham) 53
  30. Eileen Venney (Reid) 52
  31. Kay Wenham (Glover) 54
  32. Carol Whitehand (Murfitt) 66
  33. Marilyn Williams (Butler) 50
  34. Jean Wilson (Browning) 44
  35. Audrey Wimpenny (Grimmer) 57
  36. Christine Winter (Kerswell) 51
  37. Carol Yarrow (Czarnobaj) 55
  38. Maureen Yarrow (Newson) 66
  39. Gillian Youngman (Mackay) 55

... sorry can't make it this year, wishing you all the best on the 14th