Ely High School 1905-1972
School Photo, July 1952

Provided by Lorna Delanoy (Freeman), via Christine Fuller (Bell). Lorna believes it was taken at the Downham Road site.

Names on the photo are as when at school, identifier names are 'now and then'.

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Please contact us if you can add names or think that some need correcting. Please provide your identifications to match our format, for example:
15/25 r4 #2 Amy Pond (that's a fictitious example inspired by Dr Who)
means on photo part 15 of 25, Amy Pond is in row 4, position 2. All positions are L-R.

Our policy on corrections - unless from the person concerned - is to show all the suggestions and let democracy decide.

( ) = face partially shown in this section, shown in full in an adjacent section, where it may be named.

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Olive/Brenda Carter- Velda Taylor - Mrs Jones (Chemistry/Biology/Maths) - Pauline Gorham - 5

Row 5: 1 - Yvonne Tedora - 3 - 4

Row 4: Valerie Wilcox - Marion Copper - Sheila Collen - Pamela Coleman - Margaret Peel - ( )

Row 3: Fay Newstead - Barbara Lyon - Diana Ding

Row 2: Ivy Johnson - Christine Church - Grace Lane - Jill Kerridge

Front 1: not present in this section

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: ( ) - Miss Balmforth (RE) - Miss Richards (History)? - Miss Whitmee (Secretary) - Peggy Westwood - Margaret Edwards

Row 5: Pamela Carlton - 2 - Averil Lawrence - Margaret Hitch?

Row 4: Gay Covell - Margaret Haylock - Elizabeth or Anne Taylor - Marjory Constable - Margaret or Mary Hitch

Row 3: Ruth Eden - 2 - Pauline Peacock/Marjory Barber? - Anita Fuller

Row 2: ( ) - Phyllis Howe - Pam Skinner - Celia Pettitt - Betty Leonard

Front 1: ... Sheila Flack - Margaret Hitch?

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Jacqueline Cadwallader - 2 - Maureen Dooling - Janet Howe - ( )

Row 5: Monica Sindall - Patricia Keen - Monica Gooch - Shirley Spicer - ( )

Row 4: ( ) - 1 - Patricia Day - Edith Barber

Row 3: Shirley Newman - Pamela Rush - Edith Barber/Shirley ? - Miss Cullen (Maths)

Row 2: ( ) - Edna Carman - Freda Turner - Ann Lewis

Front 1: Gwynneth Williams - Marlene Handley - 3

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Josephine Oakey - Daisy Travell - Miss Arkinstall - Norma Clarke - Rita Murfitt

Row 5: Myra Epstein - Julia Utteridge- Ann Scott - Christine Wilson

Row 4: Jill Kisby - 2 - Mrs Zagorzycka (Art) - ( )

Row 3: ( ) - Mollie Kisby - Elizabeth Gothard - Anthea Clarke - Joan Barber

Row 2: Rosemary Hill - Ruby Dodson - Joan Clark - Ivy Hannaford

Front 1: Linda Nunn - Muriel Coe - ( )

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: ( ) - Muriel Garner - Margaret Lowe - Rosemary Larkin - ( )

Row 5: June Lee - Btty Row - Barbara Glaydon- 4

Row 4: Miss Cresswell (DS) - Wendy Lambert - Pamela Chevill - Beryl Badcock

Row 3: Norma Breeze - Hilary Warren - Doreen Holmes - Mrs Lord (French)

Row 2: ( ) - Hilda Goodjohn - Jill Ison - Margaret Neal

Front 1: Judith Langley - Jenny Martin

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

Back 7: ....... Jennifer Hammond/Frances Crane

Row 6: Nina Garwood - 2 - 3 - 4

Row 5: 1 - Joyce Larham - Averil Ireland - 4

Row 4: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ( )

Row 3: ( ) - Miss Sutton (French) - Mary Oakey - Margaret Atkinson - Jean Watson

Row 2: ( ) - Norma Housden - Myra Beale

Front 1: 1 - Angela ? - Hilda Grimwood

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 gets muddly here, please try to follow the system used

Back 7: ( ) - Barbara Taylor - Miss Higson (PE)

Row 6: ..... Maureen Handley - Ann Heavens - ( )

Row 5: 1 - 2 - 3 - Cynthia Yardy

Row 4: 1 - 2 - 3 - Ann Thulborn - ( )

Row 3: ( ) - Marjorie Taylor - Paula Leonard - Miss Green - Christine Young

Row 2: Susan Porter - Myrtle Tye - 3

Front 1: ( ) - Marion Malcolm - Kay Francis

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used. On 25/07/10 this section's structure was amended.

Back 7: Marjory Cooper (tall)

Row 6: Jean Rogers - Janet Lane ... Sheila Lemmon - 4

Row 5: Vivian Convine - Cynthia Levett - Ann Browning - Marlene Crowe

Row 4: Patricia Latham - Jean Feltwell - 3 - 4 - ( )

Row 3: ( ) - Margaret Garwood/Norma Goulty? - Doris Burns - Pamela Cox - ( )

Row 2: Pat Thulborn - Patricia Markwell - Mary Beale - 4

Front 1: ( ) .... Rosemary Harris - ( )

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used

Back 7: Pauline Bogart? - Sheila Jordan - Shirley Holmes

Row 6: (see prev) .................. ? Howe (specs)

Row 5: Janet Rogers - Miss Lacey (Music) - Mary Lofts - Rosalind Constable

Row 4: Sheila Godbold - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Row 3: Eileen Canham - Enid Rice - Jean Gibson - Sheba Stevenson

Row 2: ( ) - Hazel Murrell - Joan Martin - Mary Leonard

Front 1: 1 - Linda Yarrow - Patsy Allerton?

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used

Back 7: Jean Gotobed - Sylvia Neve - Miss Richards (History)? - Yvonne Dockerill - Sally Lyon

Row 6: 1 - 2

Row 5: Marilyn Rutterford - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Joan Sharpe

Row 4: ( ) - 1 - Barbara Brumby - 3 - 4 - 5

Row 3: Mary Reynolds - Margaret Garwood? - Muriel Latham - Janet Benton - Jean Dunnell

Row 2: 1 - 2 - Daphne Hunt - Pamela Murfitt

Front 1: 1 - Beryl Lowe - Margaret Badcock - Gillian Ellis

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used

Back 7: ( ) - 1 - 2 - 3 - Pamela Bidwell - Audrey Woolstenholmes - Margaret Mott

Row 6: Dorothy Spencer - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Row 5: 1 - 2 - Jill Norman - Iris Rudderham - Cynthia Easy

Row 4: ( ) - Joy Clements - 2 - Miss Baines (English) - June Clark? - ( )

Row 3: Miss Defew (English) - Marjorie Barber - 3 - 4 - 5

Row 2: Joy Smith - Lorna Freeman - Helen Smith - Wendy Barton

Front 1: Jean Cole - Wendy Read - Gwen Robinson

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of the top rows remains muddly, please try to follow the system used

Back 6: ( ) - Marion Bullman (dark, tall) - Marian Strawson (obscured) - Sylvia Jefferson (obscured) - Jeanette Blake - Mollie Wigg - Jean Lister (blonde) - Joan Prior (specs) - ( )

Row 5: Shirley Everitt - 2 - Phyllis Sanders or Jennifer Kingston - 4 - Jean Allsop or Doreen Palmer - Mary Taylor

Row 4: 1 - Sheila Aves - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Row 3: Ann Thompson - Marjorie Barber - Miss Mahoney (English) - Janet Blackwell - ( )

Row 2: ( ) Marguerite Tedora - Brenda Lythell - Jennifer Bishop - Jacqueline Audus

Front 1: ( ) Christine Winter - Yvonne Driver - Bridget Rayner

Erica Coulson is said to be in this group, please identify.

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Peggy Tye - Pat Talbot - Susan Burroughs - Patsy Cross - Ann Harding - Joan Sealy - Brenda Graves - ( )

Row 5: Dawn Jones - 2 - Sylvia Wymer - 4 - 5 - Jean McCulloch - ( )

Row 4: ( ) - 1 - 2 - 3 - Barbara Ennus? - 5 - 6

Row 3: Janet Harmston - Miss Haslam (Geog) - Valerie Ellis - Margaret Sleight - Eleanor Westley - Mrs Staniforth (History) - ( )

Row 2: 1 - 2 - Hazel Pearson - Ann McCusker - Geraldine Winter - Diana Clears

Front 1: Shirley Nicholls - Lavinia Dickinson - Josephine Almond - Pat Boutell - Margaret Pearman

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used. On 25/07/10 this section's structure was amended.

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Miss Haynes (Science) - Faith Downing - Ruth Fitch - Vera Westley - Barbara Bridgeman - ( )

Row 5: Jeanette Wade - 2 -  Julie Rich - Frances Crane? (obscured) - Hazel Brown - Janet Mann

Row 4: June Larham - Olga Burgess - 3 - 4 - 5

Row 3: Shirley Jugg - Miss Willmore (Craft & Biology) - Mrs Waller - 4 - Jill Smith

Row 2: Monica Tall - Christine Saberton - June Norman - 4 - Phyllis Norman

Front 1: ( ) - Mollie Pringle - Ann Few - Dorothy Dunbavin - 4

Ely High School
School Photo July 1952

The placement of rows 5-7 remains muddly, please try to follow the system used. On 25/07/10 this section's structure was amended.

Back 7: not present in this section

Row 6: Grace Stafford - Ruth Johnson - Margaret Smith - Daphne Turner - Elizabeth Motley

Row 5: 1 - Marilyn Williams - Ann Burrows - Gillian Muncey - Jose Howard - Shirley Casbon

Row 4: ( ) - 1 - 2 - 3 - Ann Painter

Row 3: Carol Clark - Miss Brook (English) - 3 - 4 - Rita Crabb

Row 2: ( ) - 1 - Shirley Jordan - 3

Front 1: ( ) - Janet Giving - Joan Lord

Cirkut Photo: Starr & Rignall, 1 Lynn Road, Ely, Cambs.: Courtesy of Lorna Delanoy (Freeman), via Christine Fuller (Bell)
Identifiers: Jacqueline Sykes (Audus), Ann Dix (Burrows), Pamela Carlton, Edna Collinson (Carman), Brenda (Olive) Bellwood (Carter), Anne Briggs (Carter), Mary Cooper (Rudderham), Lorna Delanoy (Freeman), Christine Fuller (Bell), Tony Cornwell, Margaret Haylock, Betty Saunders (Leonard), Joyce Thulbon (Salmon), Helen Smith, Doreen Stanley (Holmes), Audrey Woolstenholmes

page created 10 Jul 10, last updated 21 Jul 16